Friday, 6 September 2013

Significance of New Media on the practice of Investigative Journalism

I attended this seminar, "The 10th Big EdukCircle" with its theme, "Investigative Journalism" that was sponsored by the ICCS (International Center for Communication Studies) last September 1, 2013

Marites Danguilan Vitug (editor-at-large, Rappler): Investigative Journalism: Risks and Ethics
Editors must be very strict in observing and implementing Ethical Standards

According to Ms. Love Anover we must have to researched our case study thoroughly so we would know exactly what to show the mass.

and Mr. Ed Lingao (Multimedia Director Philippine Center of Investigative Journalism)
He explained the reality in Investigative Reporting Should be:

- well-researched
- document and researched base
- rich in context and perspective

Investigative Reporting on TV is:
- a test of creativity and persistence
- test of just how well you can explain to the common people
- has the same basic principles

and to end the discussion he gave tips for TV Invesitgative Reporting:
- it's the story
- sila ang bida, hindi ikaw
- "there are no stupid stories; only stupid storytellers"

According to the guest speakers, the significance of new media on the practice of Investigative Journalism 
is that you must be Aware of how you will find Different kinds of Camera angle Because you are investigating you may have lots of Camera angles because these would entertain us. see if you focus on Single Angle the watchers are predictable to be bored compared to other Angles that you may see who? what? when? and where it is held.
And according to the salary if you are on tv your salary income Is big compare to newspapers.

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