Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Principles of Design and Color Theory

1. What is this subject  and who is teaching this subject?

>About Principles of Design and Color Theory
>Mr. Rey Mendoza

2. What have you learned today?

> I how to deal properly to our Future Clients , I learned by using questions to my Clients makes my job more detailed , because if I don't know what they want from me definitely I'll end up in a failure , I learned that Different kinds of people (Kids,Teens,Adults) is accessing the internet and I have to be aware of the content of my Project. and about the budget timeline it is Practical because if you don't understand what your clients want the task for you is getting practical, you must estimate the cause of the project. and give a due date for them.

so much for that, using colors is more practical to like what the meaning of the color is really important for the clients it depends on the nationality we have different beliefs according to colors.

and the font using If we have direct Audience it maybe a lot easier for example our Direct Audience is (Adults, Senior Citizens) probably we use a font that may Lead them to a Readable text and by putting guidelines to our eyes while reading.

3. What are your Expectations

>I expect i will learn how to use the designs properly

how to used the designs to my Audience like to the kids what design and content that I may use

For The adults I expect that may know how to use the text that makes them more comfortable reading

and For both of them ( kids to adult ) I expect that, how will i make a web design that makes both of them make more comfortable in reading.

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