Tuesday, 26 November 2013

What I learn today , w/ Sir Rey Mendoza Principles of Design and Color Theory

I learned the different meanings of the colors

ROYGBIV - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

RGB color can be mixed into 16.8million of combinations
Pc                Mac
Ctrl --------- CMD
ALT -------- OPTION
Shift --------- Shift
Using controls:

Command + r =  Shortcut for Rulers
CMD (command) + Option (alt) + SHIFT then click  the Photoshop icon to Delete the setting
CMD + k = shortcut for the General Preferences
Up+CMD = Color settings
and in performances

The more the  Ram the more faster the photoshop will run
we can use 50% - 90% mb

UI - user interface we can change the UI font size to make it more visible with those who have weak eyesights.

using UPPERCASE may cause of error in loading so they prefer lowercase than Uppercase to avoid errors in loadings.

and in file compatibility in Camera raw Preferences is much related into our camera settings so by being familiar in our camera settings we can easily understand this part.

and in scratch disks if we have an external it will be more easier to run the photoshop because of the available spaces left

in History we use only 99 , we don't exceed in 999 or else we will experience a hang on our pc

like the cache we only use 4 , don't max it because it will cause a problem in loading if we tend to use it in a very long time.

In cursors

we can use normal Brush hair , or we can enable crosshair to help us in guides

in Rulers we use Inches because we are more use to the english system than the metric system
and inches is more accurate

maximum of 8points is 12points

300ppi and 72ppi
Dpi - Dots per Inch
Pps- pixels

Guidelines and Gridlines by the use of this we are enable to make things easy because of the lines that are present while we are doing our Project or activity ,

and this guidelines are not visible in print , it is not printable and can be deleted if you want

using prophoto Rgb gives us the colors with different mixtures
Dot Gain those that applied in printing

The pictures that we upload online turns into a SRGB because the more the file loads fast the color is becoming small.

for example we took a picture image in Internet then print , it will look like pixelate becuase it came through the net and it become a SRGB file

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