Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Understanding different types of formats as well as Vector and Raster Image

Jpg - compose of 16.8 million colors

Gif (Graphic interface Format) - can support colors upto 256 colors only  and can also support animation and transparency

Png - a high Resolution file that have heavy files can support up to 16.8millions of colors, Transparency and  Animation

Lossless - There is no lost in files  Higher reso. PSD and TIFF does not change or lost files
Lossy - suitable for emailing

PSD - High Resolution (Layered)
TIFF - Flat Image (Not Layered)

Movie Formats

Mp4 -
Avi - High Resolution
3gp - Use for mobiles
mov -
Mkv - High  resolution files (High Definition)
Audio Formats


Baseline standard optimize

Progressive Jpeg - From pixelated image to the full image resolution Has the Psychological advantage for web

Raxels -> Pixels -> Bitmap

Vector - Resolution independent made up of lines ( if it is zoom t doe not pixelate)

 Every line is just point connected with an angle of a curve, a vector. that way you can scale them to the size of the line is just point connected with an angle of a curve, a vector. That way you can scale them to the size of the moon and you won't lose a single detail. if a curve is closed (both ends join) then you can fill it with a color.

Smart object - converts a pixel base ( have the behavior of the vector) refers to the original file but still raster
A Raster image is made up of pixels (little squares) with a numerical value for their color. all the squares are the same size and places in a grid pattern. Each one needs at least three numbers (for RGB) to calculate it's color (4 for cmyk and 1 number for 8 bit color like a gif)

Raster images cannot be scaled up in size because they will look pixelated when printed and files that are high enough resolution for the printing process are usually very large. we use these for photographs or completed files when we can output a raster image at exactly the size required fir printing.

as a vector any colors can be assigned to the curves, including rgb, cmyk and spot colors.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Color space

Understanding the concept

A wide range of colors can be created by the subtractive primary colors of pigment (cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K),.

1. Lab Color Space (CIELAB, LAB, L*A*B)   - Color space defined by the CIE, based on one channel for Luminance (lightness) (L) and two color channels (a and b). This color space is better suited to many digital image manipulations than the RGB space, which is typically used in image editing programs. For example, the Lab space is useful for sharpening images and the removing artifacts in JPEG images or in images from digital cameras and scanners.

ProPhoto RGB is just about the widest color space.  It's used by photographers.

As some noted authors and celebrities like to put it, "ProPhoto RGB is the only color space real men use".
 It contains many, many, MANY more colors than you can see on any monitor, it even encompasses what can only be termed "theoretical colors" because they're outside the visible color range in the physical world.

The Adobe RGB (1998) profile has been widely adopted as a working space because it provides a relatively large and balanced color gamut that can be easily repurposed for reproduction on a variety of devices.

sRGB - Smaller than Adobe RGB (1998)  it is used in websites

CMYK - K- is black meaning Kelvin , use in Printing 

Contrast - Contrast in size, color, shapes
Repetition - inuulit niya yung mga bagay sa isang page
Alignment - Alignment of a text
Proximity - Distance 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Rule of Thirds / Golden Ratio


Before    after
Before after

Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio, or phi, is perhaps the most perfect number in all mathematics. It is equal to the squareroot of 5 plus 1, divided 2. 
(Sqrt(5)+1)/2 = 1.618033988749895 

Many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing (see Applications and observations below). Mathematicians since Euclid have studied the properties of the golden ratio, including its appearance in the dimensions of a regular pentagon and in a golden rectangle, which can be cut into a square and a smaller rectangle with the same aspect ratio.

What I learn today , w/ Sir Rey Mendoza Principles of Design and Color Theory

I learned the different meanings of the colors

ROYGBIV - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

RGB color can be mixed into 16.8million of combinations
Pc                Mac
Ctrl --------- CMD
ALT -------- OPTION
Shift --------- Shift
Using controls:

Command + r =  Shortcut for Rulers
CMD (command) + Option (alt) + SHIFT then click  the Photoshop icon to Delete the setting
CMD + k = shortcut for the General Preferences
Up+CMD = Color settings
and in performances

The more the  Ram the more faster the photoshop will run
we can use 50% - 90% mb

UI - user interface we can change the UI font size to make it more visible with those who have weak eyesights.

using UPPERCASE may cause of error in loading so they prefer lowercase than Uppercase to avoid errors in loadings.

and in file compatibility in Camera raw Preferences is much related into our camera settings so by being familiar in our camera settings we can easily understand this part.

and in scratch disks if we have an external it will be more easier to run the photoshop because of the available spaces left

in History we use only 99 , we don't exceed in 999 or else we will experience a hang on our pc

like the cache we only use 4 , don't max it because it will cause a problem in loading if we tend to use it in a very long time.

In cursors

we can use normal Brush hair , or we can enable crosshair to help us in guides

in Rulers we use Inches because we are more use to the english system than the metric system
and inches is more accurate

maximum of 8points is 12points

300ppi and 72ppi
Dpi - Dots per Inch
Pps- pixels

Guidelines and Gridlines by the use of this we are enable to make things easy because of the lines that are present while we are doing our Project or activity ,

and this guidelines are not visible in print , it is not printable and can be deleted if you want

using prophoto Rgb gives us the colors with different mixtures
Dot Gain those that applied in printing

The pictures that we upload online turns into a SRGB because the more the file loads fast the color is becoming small.

for example we took a picture image in Internet then print , it will look like pixelate becuase it came through the net and it become a SRGB file

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Principles of Design and Color Theory

1. What is this subject  and who is teaching this subject?

>About Principles of Design and Color Theory
>Mr. Rey Mendoza

2. What have you learned today?

> I how to deal properly to our Future Clients , I learned by using questions to my Clients makes my job more detailed , because if I don't know what they want from me definitely I'll end up in a failure , I learned that Different kinds of people (Kids,Teens,Adults) is accessing the internet and I have to be aware of the content of my Project. and about the budget timeline it is Practical because if you don't understand what your clients want the task for you is getting practical, you must estimate the cause of the project. and give a due date for them.

so much for that, using colors is more practical to like what the meaning of the color is really important for the clients it depends on the nationality we have different beliefs according to colors.

and the font using If we have direct Audience it maybe a lot easier for example our Direct Audience is (Adults, Senior Citizens) probably we use a font that may Lead them to a Readable text and by putting guidelines to our eyes while reading.

3. What are your Expectations

>I expect i will learn how to use the designs properly

how to used the designs to my Audience like to the kids what design and content that I may use

For The adults I expect that may know how to use the text that makes them more comfortable reading

and For both of them ( kids to adult ) I expect that, how will i make a web design that makes both of them make more comfortable in reading.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Significance of New Media on the practice of Investigative Journalism

I attended this seminar, "The 10th Big EdukCircle" with its theme, "Investigative Journalism" that was sponsored by the ICCS (International Center for Communication Studies) last September 1, 2013

Marites Danguilan Vitug (editor-at-large, Rappler): Investigative Journalism: Risks and Ethics
Editors must be very strict in observing and implementing Ethical Standards

According to Ms. Love Anover we must have to researched our case study thoroughly so we would know exactly what to show the mass.

and Mr. Ed Lingao (Multimedia Director Philippine Center of Investigative Journalism)
He explained the reality in Investigative Reporting Should be:

- well-researched
- document and researched base
- rich in context and perspective

Investigative Reporting on TV is:
- a test of creativity and persistence
- test of just how well you can explain to the common people
- has the same basic principles

and to end the discussion he gave tips for TV Invesitgative Reporting:
- it's the story
- sila ang bida, hindi ikaw
- "there are no stupid stories; only stupid storytellers"

According to the guest speakers, the significance of new media on the practice of Investigative Journalism 
is that you must be Aware of how you will find Different kinds of Camera angle Because you are investigating you may have lots of Camera angles because these would entertain us. see if you focus on Single Angle the watchers are predictable to be bored compared to other Angles that you may see who? what? when? and where it is held.
And according to the salary if you are on tv your salary income Is big compare to newspapers.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Credit Alligator

The Credit Alligator usually appears late in a multimedia project and has nothing to do with MasterCard or Visa. This gnarly animal typically lives unseen in the delicate fringes of workgroup politics, but can appear with great distraction during beta testing, adding moments of personal tension and occasionally destroying friendships and business relationships.

After hard cash, the most satisfying remuneration for your sweaty effort and late-night creative contributions to a multimedia project is to see your name on the credit screen. Indeed, this visible credit is a special high-value currency because it can be added to your portfolio to help you land the next job; the more of this currency, the higher your potential wage. And the more likely you will remain employed doing the things you like to do.

Start building defenses against this alligator up front. When you negotiate the original contract with whomever pays the multimedia bill, be sure to include wording such as: "We shall be allowed to include a production credit display on the closing screen or in another mutually agreeable position in the finished work." If you are an individual who is contracting to a producer, be sure it is understood that IF there is a credit screen, you name will be on it.

Not all clients will stand for a credit screen. Apple Computer, for example, uses many outside contractors to produce multimedia, but as a company policy rarely allows contributors to be credited by name. Some contractors and frustrated employeees develop ingenious work-arounds and indirections to bury these important intellectual credits within their work. For example, in an excellent book written by a team of skilled Apple people and published officially by Addison-Wesley (HyperCard Stack Design Guidelines by Apple Computer, Inc.) you may discover a list of talented instructional designers, illustrators, writers and editors in Figure 3-3, an unassuming bit-mapped screen-grab showing an "About" box. The real people that wrote the book are buried here, in this example credit screen.

The Credit Alligator raises its head over the little things, too, and there are often no defenses If your name begins with a letter that is toward the end of the alphabet, it may never appear first on the list of contributors, even if your contribution was major. Of course, if your name is Walsh or Young, you have endured this ordering system since first-grade lineups. Warning: reversing an alphabetic credit list from last to first will only create or heighten tension; to propose such a list is, in itself, ego-driven and self-serving. Learn to live with it.

The most treacherous place where the Credit Alligator lives is in the busy time of finalizing a project and going gold. If you are not participating in the final mastering but have contributed a piece or pieces to the project, you must trust the masterer to do it right. But it doesn't always happen right.

One company recently consulted on a job where their work represented the second-greatest contribution from a group of about fifteen contributors, all of whom had credit screens. Their contract required credit, but in the final version of the storyboard they discovered their screen buried at the end of a four-minute linear sequence of all the other credits and advertisements. They asked the producer to move it up. "Sorry," said the producer, "it was an oversight." Then in the last-minute process of resequencing, the producer also switched that company's custom music to his own company's credit screen, leaving our friend's screen attached to a pretty ugly left-over sound byte. Because the company was not included in the final feedback and approval loop, they discovered this "little mistake" only after mass replication. It's tough to change 50,000 shrink-wrapped CD-ROMs, so there was nothing to say.

Crediting creative talent is sensitive stuff. Avoid recurring bouts with the Credit Alligator by publicizing among your people your policy about credit screens. Talk about intellectual credit openly, not as a last-minute thing. Negotiate hard for inclusion of credit in all the projects you undertake for clients. Indeed, multimedia doesn't spring from the bankrolls of investors and publishers, but is the result of the hard work of talented real people.

Reference :

Thursday, 8 August 2013

What is Multimedia? Why is it Fascinating?

Definition of Multimedia
Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc. For example, a presentation involving audio and video clips would be considered a "multimedia presentation." Educational software that involves animations, sound, and text is called "multimedia software." CDs and DVDs are often considered to be "multimedia formats" since they can store a lot of data and most forms of multimedia require a lot of disk space.
Due to the advancements in computer speeds and storage space, multimedia is commonplace today. Therefore, the term doesn't produce the same excitement is once did. This also means it is not as overused as it was back in the late '90s. Thank goodness.

Why is it fascinating?

Multimedia uses computers to present text, audio, video, animation, interactive features, and still images in various ways and combinations made possible through the advancement of technology. By combining media and content, those interested in multimedia can take on and work with a variety of media forms to get their content across. This is an exciting new field for those interested in computers, technology, and creative career options. Multimedia can be accessed through computers or electronic devices and integrates the various forms together. One example of multimedia would be combining a website with video, audio, or text images.


Responsible Netizenship

Responsible Citizenship
Responsible citizenship is about individuals who realize their obligations to take actions that ensure their community is healthy, safe and secure. A responsible citizen participates in their community to promote personal and public good. 
Being a responsible citizen
You can be a responsible citizen by demonstrating individual responsibility through:
  • Using appropriate strategies to resolve conflicts
  • Demonstrating integrity and dependability
  • Recognizing how individuals' choices and actions affect self, family and community
By practicing a healthy lifestyle through:
  • Accessing, analyzing, and using resources to promote wellness
  • Demonstrating the ability to identify, avoid, escape or manage potential risk situations
By understanding and promoting the democratic principles of freedom, justice and equality through:
  • Respecting and defending individual rights and property
  • Practicing democratic processes by participating and voting
  • Acknowledging that all people have innate worth
Participating in activities that promote the public good by:
  • Understanding economic, political, social and environmental systems
  • Working toward improvements in society
  • Identifying and taking action to meet community needs
Building Community
Examples of how to make a difference:
  • Say 'Hi'
  • Walk more, drive less
  • Have a block party
  • Cook with your friends
  • Cut your neighbour's lawn
  • Volunteer for community events
  • Plant trees
  • Share your garden with a friend
  • Vote
  • Invite others into your home
  • Organize a pick up sports game
  • Plan a games night
References :

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

New Media vs. Traditional

New Media Doesn’t Have Lead Time if you want to Start Advertising Campaign right now then you can do it almost instantly , Reach with Traditional media This only targets direct on your Geographically area and only those actually get the newspapers in the other hand our Reach in New Media is Worldwide and also be local the choice is ours , Longevity is the key to success and with Traditional Media your ads only last as long as you keep paying for your ads and on the other hand New media implementing certain strategies your efforts accumulate overtime with your online presence getting stronger and stronger allowing more and more people to find them Traditional media doesn’t have the snowball effect, Flexibility with traditional media you have very little flexibility for change if you have different ads you like to run or if you have error in your offer that’s too bad your basically out of lack but when new media any changes will make almost instantly you can change your offer change your text change about anything whenever you want Commitments and C ontracts the commitment level with Traditional media usually comes from a sales personate with a form of a long term contract requiring you too sign on paying yearly with New Media it’s all about Freedom you Have Freedom to choose contracts or you can choose implement different strategies on daily day basis the choice is ours with unlimited Flexibility in Tradtional Media There are so many Restrictions

Thursday, 27 June 2013

The Old Media / Traditional

The Old Media or Legacy Media are traditional means of communication and expression that have existed since before the advent of the new medium of the Internet. Industries that are generally considered part of the old media are broadcast and cable television, radio, movie and music studios, newspapers, magazines, books and most print publications.

Monday, 17 June 2013

What is Communication ?

Communication - (from Latin "communis", meaning to share) is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of person. One definition of communication is “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.”[1] Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver doesn't have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Communication is a process of transmitting information from one being to another. Through communication one shares their thoughts and opinions with the use of speech, writing and signs. Communication is the way in which I learn, vocalize my thoughts and express my feelings. Not one day goes by that communication is not imperative in all I do. Not only would life be dull and boring without communication, but more importantly life would be a terrible struggle. Without communication one would function solely as an individual, because communication is needed in order for interaction between people. Everything would be done extremely inefficiently, because of the lack of sharing of thoughts. The lifespan of an average individual would be extremely limited, because communication is required in order for correct brain development. However, problems in brain development would be one of the last thing to kill a person if communication was eliminated, because one would first have to make it past the first couple years of ones life without communication. This would be close to impossible considering communication is needed in order for one learn how to survive in the world. Unlike other animals, humans were not born with instincts, we rely on others to see how to live. Without communication one could only watch how other live. Without any guidance one would easily make mistakes and survival would be very difficult. Communication is a necessity in every society and in order to understand and appreciate the functions of communication it is important for one to study the subject. In today’s world communication between people is not just limited within ones own culture or region, making the study of communication even more vital.